Time to go
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 |
Another Gray Morning
Mulder and Scully are coming to terms with the new turn their lives are taking.
Another Gray Morning | Transfigured Night | Comes The Dawn | Beloved Protector |
Domestic Disturbances | Are You Lonesome Tonight? | Homecoming | Falling Through Time |
I knew this day would come. I’ve known it for a long time.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 |
Long Distance Love
Rating: Adult
Long Distance Love | The Genuine Article | Delayed Gratification |
Regaining Your Partner’s Trust
A series of stories showing how M&S worked things out after Two Fathers/One Son.
Sounding the Depths | Interval | Do-Overs | Nature of the Beast |
Reimagined: IWTB
A “fanfic-ization” of the second movie, I Want to Believe.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
Part 4 | Part 5 |
Scully’s Journey
Scully’s changing views as she gets to know Mulder and the X-Files.
1. The Single Step | 2. Mrs. Spooky | 3. Having a Life |
4. Trust | 5. Once Burned | 6. Silver Tongued Devil |
Skinman on Campus
The groves of academe beckon
Skinman 1 | Skinman 2 | Skinman 3 |
Skinman 4 | Skinman 5 | Skinman 6 |